Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Lackluster Lineup

So I have good news and bad news. It seems that the good and bad always come packaged together. Too bad you can’t get just the good sometimes.

The good news: On December 17, 2008, Nintendo released on its website an article containing the Q1 2009 title lineup that spans almost 20 companies such as Activision, EA, Sega, THQ, Ubisoft, and, of course, Nintendo. Debuting on this list are beloved titles such as Sonic and the Black Knight, Monster Pals, Burger Island, Paws & Claws Pet Resort, and perhaps our favorite, DanceDanceRevolution Disney Grooves. Figure out the bad news yet?

The bad news: These games suck. Of the forty games on the list, not one sounds vaguely interesting. Oh wait, there's more. High Voltage Software’s The Conduit is postponed until May. Arghh.

Fear not, Wii owners. A few games that do not appear on the list for some inexplicable reason show some true potential.

The first is a promising title: THQ’s Deadly Creatures. Slated for a February 9 release, Deadly Creatures takes you on an adventure of epic proportions… as the Tarantula and the Scorpion. This action/suspense-thriller is based largely on combat as you traverse the striking desert landscape through the unique perspective of these frightening creatures, engaging in momentous battles against inhabiting predators such as the Rattlesnake and Gila Monster. Each beast has its own personal attributes, the Tarantula executing quick and nimble stealth attacks and the Scorpion exhibiting deadly brute force to overcome their rivals. Finish off each opponent with a cinematic finishing move. While the gameplay experience resembles an action/suspense-thriller, the story behind Deadly Creatures is deceiving with a dramatic nuance. Nintendo describes it as a “gripping story of human betrayal and greed,” with human characters featuring the voices of Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Hopper. We’ll find out in February whether Deadly Creatures is as fun as it sounds, and hopefully it doesn’t bear a resemblance to any Bill Bob Thornton movie (ha ha ha).

Also absent from the list but touched upon in the article is the New Play Control! series of games, which features GameCube ports fused with the stylish Wii controls to present a fresh perspective on old favorites. The first two games in the series, with a March 2009 release, are New Play Control! Pikmin and New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis. This is the ideal chance for both newcomers and old fans alike to play these games in a fresh and exciting way.

To keep you engaged until May (with the exception of Deadly Creatures), might I suggest a few titles? Here’s my top 5 Must Play list of reputable stature to help you through the drought…

1) Resident Evil 4
2) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
3) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
4) Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars
5) Call of Duty: World at War

Nintendo's Wii and DS Q1 Lineup
Deadly Creatures

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